Will James Books
Self Portrait of Will James at work
drawing illustrations for his books.

Complete List of Will James
Published Books

1924 Cowboys North & South
1925 The Drifting Cowboy
1926 Smoky the Cowhorse
1927 Cow Country
1929 Sand
1929 Smoky, Classic Edition
1930 Lone Cowboy
1931 Sun Up
1931 Big Enough
1932 Uncle Bill
1932 Lone Cowboy, Classic Edition
1933 All in the Day's Riding
1933 The Three Mustangeers
1935 In the Saddle with Uncle Bill
1935 Young Cowboy
1936 Scorpion
1937 Cowboy in the Making
1938 Look-See with Uncle Bill
1938 The Will James Cowboy Book
1938 Flint Spears
1939 The Dark Horse
1940 My First Horse
1940 Horses I've Known
1942 The American Cowboy
1951 Will James' Book of Cowboy Stories

Great Reads About the Life of Will James

Researched by the Editor, Sharon DeCarlo
There are some very informative and interesting reads about Will James. If you want to know more about this great cowboy, you can purchase most of these books on Amazon or from the author’s sites. Barns and Noble might have them as well. Here is a list of credible, well researched books and one film you might want to find to give you a better understanding of who this authentic cowboy artist and author really was.

1. Will James the Spirit of the Cowboy
J.M. Neil, A.P. Hays Guest Curator. Published by Nicolaysen Art
Museum Casper,Wyoming. Distributed by University of
Nebraska Press Lincoln, Nebraska.

2. Will James:The Gilt Edged Cowboy - By Anthony Amaral

3. Will James:The Life and Works of a Lone Cowboy
By William Gardner Bell

4. Ride for the High Points,The Real Story of Will James
By Jim Bramlett, Mountain Press Publishing Company Missoula

5. The Man Called Will James: a film produced by Gwen Clancy.
Narrated by Richard Farnsworth.

6. Another book that has a lot of Will James substance is not about
him as much as it is about his very close and dear friend Elmer
Friel and their friendship. Elmer Friel of The 111s
By Donna Friel. Copyright 1996

7. The Will James Books: A Descriptive Bibliography for
Enthusiasts and Collectors
By renown Will James expert, art and book collector Don
Frazier with forward by A.P. Hays. Mountain Press Publishing
Co. Missoula, Montana 1999. Copyright Don Frazier 1999.